乔蓉 黄承钰1 曾果 R J Vonk2 李凌 叶盛
四川大学华西公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生教研室,成都 610041
摘要:目的 找出严重乳糖不耐受者最低可接受牛奶摄入量,再观察此量在健康成人中的耐受情况。方法 采用氢呼气试验从38名受试者中筛选出8名有水样状腹泻的乳糖不耐受者,分成低、高剂量组参加饮奶试验。两组症状评分之和大致相等,据文献报道及单因素优选法(黄金分割法)确定两组对象分别饮用25g和38.2g奶粉(分别含6.25g和9.55g乳糖)和水冲调成的200ml牛奶,分析受试者氢呼气浓度变化值、症状评分、粪便乳糖含量(醋酸铅法)。采用随机整群抽样方法选取健康的100名青年、80名中年、100名老年人,观察摄入25g奶粉后出现的耐受症状。结果 两组受试者在饮奶试验中无一例腹泻发生,仅有不同程度的轻微症状;高剂量组(B组)对象饮奶后,其氢呼气浓度、症状评分、粪便乳糖均高于低剂量组(A组)。健康成人饮用25g奶粉冲调的牛奶后, 80.3%的对象未产生任何乳糖不耐受症状。结论 本研究结果表明健康成人即使为乳糖不耐受者也能饮用适量牛奶,大多数健康成人摄入25g奶粉(含乳糖6.25g)后不会出现任何乳糖不耐受症状,建议20g奶粉(含乳糖5g,配成160 ml 牛奶)作为我国成年人的最低可接受牛奶摄入量。
关键词:乳糖不耐受 可接受牛奶摄入量 单因素优选法 粪便乳糖 氢呼气试验(HBT)
中图分类号:R151.3 文献标识码:A
Study on the lowest acceptable intake of cow’s milk for healthy adults
Qiao Rong, Huang Cheng-yu, Zeng-guo , R J Vonk, et al.
Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene, Huaxi School of Public Health,Sichuan University,Chengdu 610041, China
Abstract:Objective To find out the lowest acceptable intake of cow’s milk in subjects with lactose intolerance(LI)and then observe intolerance symptoms in 280 healthy adults after they drank the milk. Methods Eight LI subjects with watery diarrhea who were selected from 38 subjects by hydrogen breath test(HBT) were divided into group A, group B to go on drinking cow’s milk test. The subjects in group A ingested 25g milk powder, the subjects in group B ingested 38.2g milk powder(contain 6.25g, 9.55g lactose respectively) according to literature and single factor optimization method(0.618 golden mean) to analyze their hydrogen excretion(ppm) ,symptom score and stool lactose. The 100 younger, the 80 middle-age and the 100 elder subjects were selected to observe symptoms after they ingested 25g milk powder. Results hydrogen excretion(ppm) and symptom score in the high dose group (group B)are a little higher than those in low dose group(group A). No case with diarrhea occurred in these two group but mild symptoms. Most of healthy adults(80.3%) have no intolerance symptoms after they drank the milk. Conclusion The study demonstrates that most of adults, even with LI, can tolerance 25g cow’s milk powder(6.25g lactose) . It is suggested 20g cow’s milk powder(5g lactose,make 160ml of milk solution) is the lowest acceptable intake of healthy adults in China.
Key words: lactose intolerance,acceptable intake of cow’s milk,single factorial optimization method stool lactose,hydrogen breath test(HBT)
2Groningen University, Netherland
李增宁 杨惠霞1 张祥宏2 康维钧3 谈敦芳3 崔晋峰 王俊灵 申海涛 汲建军4 米建民5
河北医科大学基础所实验病理室,石家庄 050017
摘要:目的 探讨河北省食管癌、胃癌高发区居民食用小麦赭曲霉素A污染情况,了解居民的可能暴露量。方法 深入高发区现场随机选取当地居民正在食用的小麦样品,利用反相—液相色谱法测定其赭曲霉素A含量。结果 河北省胃癌高发区赞皇县居民食用小麦样品中赭曲霉素A的检出率为45.16%,平均含量2.41μg/kg,最高达14.25μg/kg。河北省磁县食管癌高发区居民食用小麦中赭曲霉素A的检出率为33.33%,平均含量0.59μg/kg,最高为1.63μg/kg。结论 河北省胃癌食管癌高发区居民食用小麦赭曲霉素A的检出率明显高于国内其它地区的有关文献报道,应引起肿瘤防治工作者的重视。
关键词:食管癌 胃癌 赭曲霉毒素A 液相色谱
中图分类号:R735 R155.52 文献标识码:A
翟凤英 胡以松 姚崇华
[1] 王文志
2 朴建华 杨晓光
中国疾病预防控制中心营养与食品安全所,北京 100050
摘要:目的 探讨中国居民代谢综合征与脑卒中的关系。方法 数据来源于2002年中国居民营养与健康状况调查,选择15岁以上人群48633例,其中男性23080例,女性25553例。代谢综合征的定义参考中国医学会糖尿病分会2004年建议的标准。结果 单因素logistic回归分析表明,代谢综合征与脑卒中呈正相关,OR值为5.998(95%CI 4.799~7.496),多因素分析调整年龄、性别、6类地区、教育程度、中重度体力活动时间、吸烟、饮酒后代谢综合征与脑卒中仍具有统计学相关性,OR值为3.114(95%CI 2.432~3.987)。代谢综合征的所有组分中,高血压与脑卒中的相关性最强,且随着代谢综合征组分在个体聚集越多(趋势性检验P<0.0001),患脑卒中的可能性越大。结论 中国居民代谢综合征与脑卒中的患病有关。
关键词:脑卒中 代谢综合征
中图分类号:R151.41 文献标识码:A
Relationship between metabolic syndrome and stroke in Chinese people
Zhai Feng-ying, Hu Yi-song, Yao Chong-hua, Wang Wen-zhi, et al.
Institute of Nutrition and Food Safety, Chinese Center for Disease Prevention and Control,Beijing 100050, China
Abstract:Objective To explore the relationship between metabolic syndrome and stroke in Chinese people Methods Data were presented for 23080 men and 25553 women aged more than 15 years old from National Nutrition and Health Survey, 2002. Metabolic syndrome definition was recommended by the CDS . Results The metabolic syndrome was significantly related with stroke(OR=5.998, 95%CI 4.799-7.496) in univariate logistic analysis, after being adjusted for age, sex, area, education, physical activity smoking and drinking, the relationship still exists between the metabolic syndrome and stroke(OR=3.114, 95%CI 2.432-3.987) . Among the component conditions, hypertension was the most leading factor associated with stroke. And individual with more components has more possibility to be affiliated with stroke(P trend less than 0.0001). Conclusion The metabolic syndrome was significantly associated with stroke in Chinese people, the metabolic syndrome and its’ components should be prevented to avoid the prevalence of stroke in Chinese.
Key words: metabolic syndrome, stroke