
王劲  郭红卫[1]  钱子煜2  茅露平3
复旦大学公共卫生学院营养与食品卫生学教研室,上海 200032
摘要:目的 建立适合中国老年人群的膳食平衡指数(DBI),为综合评价该人群的膳食质量提供评价工具,并初步验证其有效性。方法 根据老年人的营养需要特点,调整中国成年人DBI的部分单项指标定义和计分取值而成,并利用建立的评分系统对177名住养老机构60岁以上老年人的3天膳食质量进行评价。结果 该DBI评价系统总体上可反映绝大多数食物种类和营养成分摄入的实际状况,并可综合反映膳食中各营养素摄入不足、过量和不平衡状况的方向和程度。样本人群膳食总体摄入不足,性别、年龄和伙食费对膳食质量均有影响,影响该人群膳食质量的食物种类主要是奶类豆类、蔬菜水果、食用油和动物性食物。结论 采用该针对老年人群的中国膳食平衡指数基本能反映本研究老年人群的膳食质量,并能发现存在的主要问题。
关键词:膳食指数  膳食模式  膳食评价  膳食质量  老年人
中图分类号:R153.3                   文献标识码:A
Preliminarily approaching and applying Chinese diet balance index for elderly population
WANG Jin, MAO Luping, QIAN Ziyu, GUO Hongwei
Department of Nutrition and Food hygiene, School of Public Health, Fudan University, Shanghai 200032, China
AbstractObjective  To establish diet balance index (DBI) for Chinese elderly population that a measure of dietary quality was developed to capture the multi-dimensional aspects of eating pattern for them, and examine the validity of the DBI. Methods  Aimed at key points of nutrition requirement for the elderly, the approached DBI for the Chinese elderly was adapted from selected food components and scoring schemes of Chinese adult DBI, and applied it to measure the three-day diet quality of 177 participants aged 60 years and older living in institutions. Results The DBI scoring and evaluating system can embody the actual intake of most food groups and nutrients, and in the round reflected the direction and degrees of deficient intake, excessive intake and inbalanced status of nutrient intake. As a whole, intake of diet of sampled subjects was inadequate. Gender, age and fare expenses could all affect the diet quality, and the leading impact factors of food groups on diet quality occurred for dairy products, legumes, vegetables, fruits, edible oil and meats. Conclusion  By using the DBI for Chinese elderly populations, the diet quality of the study population can be summarily measured, and find out the major problems of the dietary pattern presented herein.
Key words: dietary index, dietary pattern, dietary assessment, dietary quality, elderly people
