Study on Developing Collegebased Nutritional Education through
Peereducation ApproachY Zhao 1 , Ty Li2, J Yi1
(1Department of Nutrition and Food Hygiene Chongqing Medical University, Chongqing, China 400016)
(2 Childrens Hospital,Chongqing University of Medical Science,Chongqing, China, 400014)
Background: College students are a special group, whose good nutrition status is the basis of their health However, up to now, many problems of nutrition exist among college students, which will impose a negative impact on the development and study of the college studentsObjective: To investigate feasibility and effectiveness of collegebased nutritional education through peereducation approachDesign: A cluster sample was drawn in 18 classes of freshmen in two colleges in Chongqing, and freshmen were divided into intervention group (amount to 289 students) and control group (amount to 344 students) For design of the education content and strategy, qualitative and quantitative methods were employed to diagnose the nutrition problems which exist among the student and the need of nutritional education Peer education was conducted among intervention group for one month by the peereducators selected from students in Chongqing University of Medical Sciences and experimental college, meanwhile, the evaluation process was conducted The progression of KAB in target population was evaluated immediately after the intervention, 4 months later, and 6 months later Outcomes: Freshmen obtained the nutrition knowledge limitedly, and had deficient nutrition knowledge, some nutrition mistaken ideas and some bad diet behavior habits The key content of education demand were including: the physiological function and main source of the important nutrients, nutritive value of all kinds of food, correct diet view, obesity, beauty and health mistaken idea, and “Chinese residents diet guide and balanced diet pagoda ”
The course was appraised: Intervene content suitable, intervene opportunity and place fully considering situation of goal crowd, carrying out successfully Peer education is feasible The result is appraised: The balance between the two groups was tested statistically(P>005)
The result of intervene was prominent Nutrition knowledge, the attitude and behavior score of intervene group were higher than that of the control group at once after intervening(P<0001,P<005,P<005) Nutrition knowledge and attitude score of intervene group were higher than that of control group four months after intervening(P<0001), but the nutrition behavior scores was not obviously higher than that of control group (P>005); nutrition knowledge and nutrition behavior score of intervene group were apparently higher than that of control group six months after intervening(P<0001,P<001), but attitude scores was not obviously higher than that of control group(P>005)
Nutrition knowledge score of intervene group was lowest before intervene (P<005), and it was highest at once after intervening(P<005) The score of 4 months after intervening was obviously lower than that of at once after intervening(P<005), but the significant improvement than before intervening(P>005) has not been seen, and the improvement 6 months after intervening was obviously(P<005) Nutrition attitude score of intervene group was not obviously different between at once intervene and before intervene, between four months and six months after intervening(P>005), but that of the last two time points were more than first two time points(P<005) Behavioral scores of intervene group were no obvious difference among before intervening, at once and 6 months after intervening (P>005), but compared with these three time points that of 4 months after intervening was lower(P<005)Conclusions The study indicated that it is feasible and effective of Collegebased Nutritional Education through Peereducation Approach, so it should be further applying
Keywords: peer education, nutrition education, college students
1 对象:选取重庆渝中区某学院为干预学校,文理科各一个系,整群抽取一年级九个班的学生,共289人。选取九龙坡区某学院为对照学校,选择与干预学校相匹配的文理科各一个系,整群抽取9个班的学生,共344人。干预后即刻、干预后4个月、干预后6个月两组调查人数分别是:304人和270人;239人和289人;240和244人。
2 方法:运用定性和定量研究相结合的方法诊断大学生存在的营养问题和对营养宣教的需求,设计出有针对性的营养教育内容和方案。在重庆医科大学营养协会会员以及实验组中选拔和培训同伴教育者,对实验组学生进行一个月的现场集中同伴营养教育,并于项目执行中期进行过程评价。
21 问卷设计:参考健康教育KAB(知识态度行为)模型及相关文献,结合实际需求诊断以及预调查分析结果,设计调查问卷,并反复修改验证,进行信度和效度分析结果良好。间隔一周的复测结果证明调查表较好的信度,复测系数(α)为0635。
22 问卷内容:包括指导语、一般人口统计学资料、营养知识、态度、行为情况,营养知识获取途径等。问卷题目和记分情况:其中知识问题有16道题,满分16分,得分越高提示相关知识掌握越好;有关态度有9道题,满分9分,得分越高表示正向态度越好;行为包括常见食物的消费频率以及膳食制度等,共40题,满分40分,得分越高表示正向行为状况越好。
23 问卷调查:调查以班级为单位,采用无记名方式进行。测试前对调查人员进行统一、严格培训并预做。基线调查与复测均使用相同问卷。问卷采取现场发放、现场指导填写、现场收回调查表的形式,及时填写《现场调查记录表》,以确保填写质量。问卷回收情况:发放问卷650份,有效问卷633份,有效率9738%。
24 效果评价:分别于干预前(时刻Ⅰ)、干预后即刻(时刻Ⅱ)、干预后4个月(时刻Ⅲ)、干预后6个月(时刻Ⅳ)对实验组及对照组进行干预后营养知、信、行(KAB)转变的效果评价。
25 资料整理与统计分析:对回收的有效问卷原始资料编号整理并录入计算机,用EpiData30、Excel2000建立数据库。按统一标准赋值,对营养知识、态度和行为分别评分,采用的统计软件为SAS80,进行t检验、卡方检验、SNKGrouping检验、方差分析。
1 基本情况
11 一般情况
12 两组学生营养知识来源无显著性差异(表1)。
13 干预前两组学生营养知识、态度和行为得分没有显著性差异(表2)。
22 干预后四个月干预组对营养知识以及态度得分明显高于对照组。但营养行为得分没有明显高于对照组(表4)。
23 干预后六个月干预组对营养知识以及营养行为得分明显高于对照组。但态度得分没有明显高于对照组(表5)。
24 干预组对营养知识得分时刻I最低,时刻II最高,时刻III比时刻II明显低,比时刻I比较未见显著性提高,时刻IV又明显提高。干预组对营养态度得分时刻I和时刻II无明显差别、时刻III和时刻IV无显著性提高。但后两个时间点比前两个时间点营养态度得分显著性提高。干预组对营养行为得分时刻I和时刻II以及时刻IV无明显差别、但时刻III与这三个时间点比较显著性低。
1 学生营养知识
2 学生营养态度
3 学生营养行为
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