
王冰洁  霍军生  黄建[1]  孙静  李文仙 代建华
摘要:目的 分析山西省出生缺陷高发地区微量营养素的摄入情况。方法 在山西省实施强化面粉干预出生缺陷项目的吕梁地区进行总膳食研究,通过膳食调查了解当地居民食物摄入情况,并对膳食中与出生缺陷相关的微量营养素进行测定,将结果分别与中国营养协会推荐的RNI值或AI值进行比较。结果 各组人群的膳食结构仍以粮谷类和蔬菜类为主。其中蔬菜、水果、乳类、肉类及水产类食物的摄入量,与中国居民平衡膳食宝塔的推荐量相比,还存在很大的差距。从总体来看,各组人群锌和维生素E的摄入量基本达到要求,但是铁、硒、铜、抗坏血酸、视黄醇、叶酸及维生素B12等营养素的摄入明显不足。结论 山西省出生缺陷高发地区育龄妇女微量营养素摄入不足问题比较严重。
关键词:出生缺陷  营养素  总膳食研究   营养素摄入
中图分类号:R151.4         文献标识码:A
Total diet study on certain nutrients in Shanxi regions with a high incidence of birth defects
WANG Bingjie, HUO Junsheng, HUANG Jian, SUN Jing, et al. 
Institute of Public Health, Peking Union Medical University, Beijing, 100021, China
Abstract:Objective To analyse the dietary nutritional intake level in Shanxi regions with a high incidence of birth defects. Methods Using the total dietary study method in the pilot regions of the project “Intervention program on birth defects” in Shanxi province. The analytical samples were obtained in different areas by food consumption survey, the dietary nutrients related to birth defect were determined and the results were compared with RNI or AI value recommended by Chinese Nutrition Society. Results It showed that the dietary pattern for subjects mainly consisted of grains and vegetables. Compared with Chinese DRIs, intakes of vegetables fruits, milk, meat and fish were not enough. In general, zinc and vitamin E intakes of each group have achieve the basic requirement. However, iron, selenium, copper, vitamin C, retinol, folic acid and vitamin B12 intakes were obviously inadequate. Conclusion The problem of inadequate intakes of certain nutrients of childbearing women in Shanxi regions with a high incidence of birth defects is more serious.
Key wordsbirth defect, nutrients, total diet study

1 通讯作者:黄建,男,副研究员